📝BkkHungary Pass

  • Price: HUF 18900

  • Price (discounted): HUF 1890

  • Requires ID

  • Accepted IDs for full price pass:

    • Identity card

    • Passport

    • Driving license card

    • Residence permit issued by a Hungarian authority

  • Accepted IDs for discounted pass:

  • The Hungary pass is a monthly pass

  • Valid for use in Budapest and throughout Hungary

  • Valid on lines 1-99, 101-999 (including VolĂĄnbusz regional buses), M1-M4, H5-H9, D14, and on many other services as well. (TODO)


The 90% regional pass discount in the Regional transport discount document appears to be the most applicable discount for the discounted Hungary pass.

Unclear information note

The Discounted Hungary pass specifies a "50% travel discount", which implies using the Regional transport discount (there are no percentage discounts on the local transport discounts). However, a 50% discount on passes is not listed on the regional transport discount, so the next best match would be a 90% discount for passes as that's the only percentage discount for passes.
