
BKK (Public Transport for Budapest)

Disclaimer: We are not the BKK. Information provided here is based on our interpretation, and might be outdated or incomplete. Use at your own risk. Full disclaimer

Note: This wiki has not been updated since around April of 2024. Information on here is potentially outdated. If in doubt, do not rely on it.

Notice: BKK seems to have redesigned their website, and possibly changed some links. Links to references currently redirect to the newer pages.

Notice: BKK has reduced prices for passes and consolidated all metropolitan passes into 2 passes, a Hungary pass and a Pest County pass. Metropolitan tickets/passes have been discontinued, and this wiki has mostly been updated.

Finding the best fare

If you want the best fare, take a look at https://bkk.hu/en/tickets-and-passes/find-the-best-fare/.


Tickets are something you can use once, or for a short time after first validation.

Single tickets

Time based tickets


Passes are longer term than tickets. They can be used until they expire.


Travelcards are just passes but on the scale of hours or days, instead of months or years.

Other things
