📝BkkPest County Pass

  • Price: HUF 9450

  • Price (discounted): HUF 945

  • Requires ID

  • Accepted IDs for full price pass:

    • Identity card

    • Passport

    • Driving license card

    • Residence permit

  • Accepted IDs for discounted pass:

  • The Pest County pass is a monthly pass

  • Valid for use in Budapest and the Pest county

    • There is no information on what is counted as part of the Pest county.

  • Valid on lines 1-99, 101-999 (including VolĂĄnbusz regional buses), M1-M4, H5-H9, D14, and on many other services as well. (TODO)


The 90% regional pass discount in the Regional transport discount document appears to be the most applicable discount for the discounted Pest County pass.

Unclear information note

The Discounted Pest County pass specifies a "50% travel discount", which implies using the Regional transport discount (there are no percentage discounts on the local transport discounts). However, a 50% discount on passes is not listed on the regional transport discount, so the next best match would be a 90% discount for passes as that's the only percentage discount for passes.
