
The icon for this wiki is the ℹī¸Ž character (the fancy information character) with a circular arrow around the character. So like, information, but again.

The icon is made in Inkscape, and the circular arrow is from another source but is in the public domain/available under the CC0-1.0 license.

User/Jackson made this icon, and he releases the source files as well as the output used under CC0-1.0.

The ℹī¸Ž character is actually a path in the SVG to not rely on potential font inconsistencies which may mess up rendering.

Here's the links to the icons in SVG, and ICO format (all used in some way):

Recreation from editing SVG

To create SVG:

  1. Open the SVG in Inkscape

  2. Delete stuff which isn't visible or is hidden (should get the things down to 2)

  3. Export as Plain SVG to another file

  4. Don't save the editing SVG (or at least have another copy of it)

To create ICO:

  1. Export as PNG

  2. Add a white background with an image editor

  3. Export as .ico (or export to .png then convert to .ico with ImageMagick)

Previous idea

Previously, I had an idea of a rounded and rotated square as a background. I decided to throw that idea away after putting in the circular arrow, as it didn't fit.